Tests with local build
Closed this issue · 3 comments
In https://github.com/bbcmicrobit/PythonEditor/blob/master/tests/manual/test-procedure.rst
Test Case Unit Tests: Browser based unit tests
This test will need a local clone of the repository version under test.
- Serve the repository contents locally.
- Open the served tests.html file.
- Confirm all tests pass (errors will be marked red).
Some testers (i.e. me!) would be helped by a link to the instructions at:
You are right, could you add a note to the checklist and submit it as a PR?
One thing I don't quite like about the bin/show script is that it depends on python3
, maybe we should also link to https://gist.github.com/willurd/5720255
See PR: #353
The bin/show script hides the required command which is "python3 -m http.server". That link looks like a good way to avoid repeating the same information if other pythons are supported.
bin/show could be useful if it identified the python version and used the appropriate command, but it still wouldn't work on Windows, would it? Could a python program do the job?