
Allow users to directly set wallpaper to location specified in config file.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Work in progress, assign to me. Allows users to provide a switch or top level command to set the wallpaper directory on their os.

Something like this?

grabbit grab --set-wallpaper-dir ~/Pictures/grabbit
grabbit set-wallpaper-dir ~/Pictures/grabbit

More like

grabbit grab --set-wallpaper-dir [ -p path/to/myconfig.yaml ]
grabbit set-wallpaper-dir [ -p path/to/myconfig.yaml ]

This would pull the directory from subreddits->destination in the configuration file provided or default location.
This approach is cleaner and doesn't abuse using this function as a general wallpaper setter.

There can be multiple dirs in myconfig.yaml. Would it choose one?

This turned out to be to difficult to be worth doing