
MQTT Publish destroying Json

Mallo321123 opened this issue · 2 comments

I think this Is a MQTT problem, but looks a bit dead.

My ESP board: ESP8266

My problem: Every time I Publish a MQTT Message, a seperate Json gets destroyed.

Here is my test code:

for (uint8_t i = 0; i < length_d; i++) {    //Here the Json is still Intact
Serial.println("    4");

client.publish("temp/display", mqtt_message, true);     //Publishing a different Json

for (uint8_t i = 0; i < length_d; i++) {    //Here the Json is Broken
Serial.println("    5");

Here is my Serial Output:
22:54:21:415 -> {"time":2000,"data":[{"name":"Leistung","value":50,"unit":"W"},{"name":"Durchfluss","value":520,"unit":"L"},{"name":"test","value":234,"unit":"J"}]} 4

22:54:21:429 -> y{"temp_display":22.36099243,"humidity_display":57.86027908}"},{"name":"Durchfluss","value":520,"unit":"L"},{"name":"test","value":234,"unit":"J"}]} 5

at number 4 the Json is still intact, but as one gets sent, it just gets overwritten by the sent one (number 5).

Hi @Mallo321123,

This question is not about ArduinoJson.
Please address your question to the author of PubSubClient or to StackOverflow.
Don't forget to include all the information; for example, what is payload_d?

Best regards,

payload_d is the varable, where a recieved MQTT message gets stored