
Ongoing maintenance of the Babelfish project

creachadair opened this issue · 6 comments

I have unarchived this repository and created this issue to discuss a possible handoff of ownership of the Babelfish project.

The Wildcard (@w6d-io) team has been using Babelfish for various purposes for some time now. Since the original source{d} team is no longer available to update it, @grumbach and @cordiers asked if we would consider allowing them to take over its maintenance and development.

I'm inclined to agree, but I wanted to give the other designated owners of the organization a chance to weigh in before I make a call either way. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please add them to this issue.

Cc: @dennwc, @eiso, @rpau

I fully agree with this proposal. I would also like the project to continue and will try to dedicate some time for maintaining it as well.

CC: @kuba--

I'm still in this org. what means that I care.
So, go for it!

Thanks guys! We're so glad this project still has such a great community around it! 🥇

It sounds like we mostly have consensus here. As a first step, I just invited @grumbach and @cordiers to the organization. Unless there is any objection, I would also like to promote you both to project owners.

Having heard no further comments, most notably having heard no further objections, I will now promote @grumbach and @cordiers to owners.

Edit: Correction, I have promoted @grumbach but @cordiers has not yet accepted the invitation to the organization. So Anselme, I will leave it to you to update the membership from here on out. Please feel free to demote me to an ordinary member if you wish.

I believe we've now resolved this question, so I'm closing the issue. Feel free to re-open if you believe we need further discussion, or file new issues for related topics.