
Currency support (€, USD…)

real34 opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for this handy tool.

It would be great to support other currencies than Dollar.

meal cost = 12€
person = 4

total = person * meal cost

Here is an example of possible content to support.
There could be a generic support for currency codes (EUR, USD…) or symbols (, $…).
A next step could be currency conversion, but it might be much harder.

I don't feel experimented enough with Rust and the codebase to try implementing it, but I could give it a try if someone points me in the right direction.

bbodi commented

Thanks for your feedback!

Yes currency and exchange rate support is on my list.

Right now the dollar sign is nothing else but a general unit for a a general currency to express that something is a 'money', not as real dollar as 'USD'. It was a quick fix to be able to do my own financial calculations.

So until the suggested currency feature has not developed, I suggest to simply use the dollar sign instead of euro.

Thanks for the information.
Yes, the trick will do until a real currency support.

Should I close this issue?

bbodi commented

No, this one will be the one for the currency support 👍