

jerlich opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for this FAQ.

Small point: brms can fit linear, generalized linear, and non-linear models.
So, maybe just put it in it's own list?

The intro section now reads

The most commonly used functions for mixed modeling in R are

  • linear mixed models: aov(), nlme::lme[^1], lme4::lmer; brms::brm
  • generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs)
    • frequentist: MASS::glmmPQL, lme4::glmer; glmmTMB
    • Bayesian: MCMCglmm::MCMCglmm; brms::brm
  • nonlinear mixed models: nlme::nlme, lme4::nlmer; brms::brm
  • GNLMMs: brms::brm

Is that something like what you had in mind?