
Encoding - Characters converted to UTF8-hex

Kalpens opened this issue · 5 comments

Version 1.4.0
Original text in .msg body:







After calling parseMsg on the file and looking into BodyHTML & ConvertedBodyHTML of OutlookMessage, both values are null. The BodyRtf has now these values, but the characters are changed to UTF-8hex and the body in the return string contains the following:







What is not displayed above is that before ' there is also a backslash \

If I try to convert this extracted rtf from .msg using the recently forked library "rtf-to-html" with (RTF2HTMLConverterRFCCompliant or RTF2HTMLConverterClassic)then I get the following exception:

Exception in thread "main" java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: 65001
at org.bbottema.rtftohtml.impl.util.CharsetHelper.findCharset(
at org.bbottema.rtftohtml.impl.RTF2HTMLConverterRFCCompliant.rtf2html(

If I use RTF2HTMLConverterJEditorPane, I am able to convert the rtf to html, but the result contains some encoding issues, so to partially solve them, I first convert the string of "Cp1252" to byte array and then the byte array to "UTF-8" String. After this I get almost all the results I wanted to achieve:







As you can see I am able to convert most of the characters to correct encoding except the Ø character.

My current solution is to go back to version 1.1.16, retrieving the ConvertedBodyHTML as in this version it is not null and converting this string of html from "Cp1252" to byte array and then the byte array to "UTF-8" string. This way I don't use the newly forked"rtf-to-html" and am able to get html from OutlookMessageParser itself.

Is there some other workaround to make the newest version of Outlook-Message-Parser work?

Hmm, you should have the exact same result with the classic converter from the rtf-to-html library, which was just a lift and shift for backwards compatibility. I wonder what changed since 1.1.16 to that.

Wait a minute. 1.1.16?? That's from 2017, did you type that correctly? All the versions including 1.1.17 after that don't work?

Hmm, you should have the exact same result with the classic converter from the rtf-to-html library, which was just a lift and shift for backwards compatibility. I wonder what changed since 1.1.16 to that.

Wait a minute. 1.1.16?? That's from 2017, did you type that correctly? All the versions including 1.1.17 after that don't work?

Yes, all the way back to 1.1.16

If I switch up to 1.1.17 or 1.1.18, I get simmilar excetpion to the one when calling manually rtf to html: Exception in thread "main" java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: 65001 at org.simplejavamail.outlookmessageparser.rtf.util.CharsetHelper.findCharset( at org.simplejavamail.outlookmessageparser.rtf.SimpleRTF2HTMLConverter.extractCodepage( at org.simplejavamail.outlookmessageparser.rtf.SimpleRTF2HTMLConverter.rtf2html(

Version 1.1.19 & 1.1.21 & 1.2.1 & 1.3.0 & 1.4.0 msg parser returns null in both html methods.

Version 1.1.20, msg parser during parsing returns again a similar excepion, but it also runs and is possible to get null html values.

[main] ERROR org.simplejavamail.outlookmessageparser.model.OutlookMessage - Error occurred while extracting compressed RTF from source msg
java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: 65001
at org.simplejavamail.outlookmessageparser.rtf.util.CharsetHelper.findCharset( ~[outlook-message-parser-1.1.20.jar:?]
at org.simplejavamail.outlookmessageparser.rtf.SimpleRTF2HTMLConverter.extractCodepage( ~[outlook-message-parser-1.1.20.jar:?]
at org.simplejavamail.outlookmessageparser.rtf.SimpleRTF2HTMLConverter.rtf2html( ~[outlook-message-parser-1.1.20.jar:?]


Ok, is it possible for you to share your .msg? Then I can start tracing down which change breaks it.


Ok, is it possible for you to share your .msg? Then I can start tracing down which change breaks it.

Sure, here is a link to the .msg file.

Fix released in 1.4.1. Thanks for the report!