
Don't shade the email-rfc2822-validator dependency anymore

CodeMason opened this issue · 2 comments

The entire package, org.hazlewood.connor.bottema.emailaddress.simplejavamail doesn't exist in the latest 5.0RC sources.

If one downloads the sources from, the source for EmailAddressValidator doesn't match the decompiled classes from simple-java-mail.

Of note, the package is also different between the two projects.

This is by design. To avoid maven dependencies on micro-libraries, email-rfc2822-validator is being shaded into the resulting jar (under a modified package to avoid collisions). This is possible, because that library is managed by myself as well.

Similarly DKIM was included as well before 5.0.0.rc1, but because it is an external library, it is not included in the simple-java-mail JAR.

I am considering turning it into a proper dependency as well, though. Thanks for refreshing my memory.