
double name attachments doesn't work

DasTier1 opened this issue · 4 comments

Seems to be still there in Simple Java Mail 6.5.0:
package org.simplejavamail.converter.internal.mimemessage;
MimeMessageParser : Line 508 :

public Map<String, DataSource> getAttachmentList() {
   return this.attachmentList;

WIll not work with two attachments named e.g.:

i.e. no suffix in one case.
This case is used for electronic billing for healthcare in Germany.
Works fine with different suffixes.


On MimeMessageParser:508 I have a different line. Are you sure you're testing with 6.5.0? Perhaps you could provide me with a sample email EML that has this problem?

I just released 6.5.1 which might have something to do with this. Would you mind giving that version a try?

Any update?

Now it works perfect!
Goord work!
Thank you!