
Bug: names manually specified for embedded images are overridden and have extension added, breaking cid: references in HTML body

nites67 opened this issue · 10 comments

Could you please let me know how to use withEmbeddedImages feature while sending emails ?
I tried to use both withAttachments and withEmbeddedImages in the same manner.
Only withAttachments work fine. withEmbeddedImages fail to display the images inline in the email.

Please Support.

Sure, have a look here.

Hi, Thanks for the update. I have seen the link you shared. I think i was not clear in my question.
This is my sample code for embedding inline images. It does not work.

Could you please support ?

List<AttachmentResource> embeddedImagesList = new ArrayList<AttachmentResource>();
AttachmentResource attachResourceImage = null;
for (MultipartFile m: inlineImages) {
    File file = convertMultipartToFile(m);
    attachResourceImage = new AttachmentResource(file.getName(), new FileDataSource(file));

Email email = EmailBuilder.startingBlank().from("").toMultiple("").ccMultiple("").bccMultiple("").withSubject("").
                       withHTMLText("").withAttachments("").withEmbeddedImages(embeddedImagesList ).buildEmail();


Well, this is a core feature of the library and has been tested in many clients for the past 14 years, so I'm inclined to think this is either an issue with the data you are embedding or an issue with your email client.

However, without concrete data I can't say more, the API usage seems fine. Perhaps you can share the EML text that comes out? For example using EmailConverter.emailToEML() or mailerBuilder.withTransportModeLoggingOnly().

Hi, Thanks for the update. As we have a strict security policy, I will be unable to provide EML text. I printed the EML for embeddedImages. Below is the last part of EML which includes data for embeddedImages and the debug logs associated with it .
Could you please let me know if the below logs are valid of inline attachments ?

embeddedImages = [AttachmentResource {
name = 'test' = abc.png,
dataSource.getContentType = image/png,
description = null,
contentTransferEncoding = null

Content-Type: image/png; filename=test.PNG; name=test.PNG
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=test.PNG
Content-ID: <test.PNG>

<Here it contains base64 text of the image>

Yes, this looks good to me. For reference, here's the email from the included demo which I just checked still works as it should:

Content-Type: image/png; filename=thumbsup; name=thumbsup
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=thumbsup
Content-ID: <thumbsup>

Although, two questions.

  1. The above embeddedImages = [] you indicated is literally the API usage that resulted in that "test.PNG"? That seems a little odd to me.
  2. Can you show me the HTML you use to embed this image? In your case, it should be something like:
    <img width=25 src='cid:test.PNG'>

Thanks for your support. The issue has been resolved.

ztyzbb commented

@bbottema I faced same problem. After read the source code, I realized that if I add image like this

emailBuilder.withEmbeddedImage("test", new FileDataSource(file)); // filename is abc.png

The MimeMessageHelper#possiblyAddExtension will make Content-ID header become <test.png>, so the html should be <img src='cid:test.png'> instead of <img src='cid:test'>, is it intended?
I believe the smiley example in the doc will not work.