
Bugfix: encoded delimited recipients in EML not parsed properly

fb-datax opened this issue · 7 comments

Using the following two eml Lines, the recipients list contains 2 entries instead of 1:

From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Some_Name=2C_Jane_Doe?= <>
To: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Some_Name_2=2C_John_Doe?= <>
Email email = EmailConverter.emlToEmail(eml);
Recipient{name='Some Name, Jane Doe', address='', type=null}
Recipient{name='null', address='Some', type=To}, Recipient{name='John Doe', address='', type=To}]

If the "," is removed the recipients are parsed correctly:

From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Some_Name_Jane_Doe?= <>
To: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Some_Name_2_John_Doe?= <>
Recipient{name='Some Name Jane Doe', address='', type=null}
[Recipient{name='Some Name 2 John Doe', address='', type=To}]

Problem occurs using the latest version 7.8.3. Using the 6.x Version the problem doesn't occur and the recipients are parsed correctly.

If the "," is removed the recipients are parsed correctly:

I don't see a "," in your first example, can you double check please?

In the example above =2C -> ascii 44 -> ,

ahh, I see. I'll have a look

Any chance you can share an EML with me that has this issue?

This was caused by the change for #293, which was released yesterday. I just released v7.9.1 that fixes this regression bug.

Thank you for reporting and for your prompt responses (and the test message)!

Thank you for fixing the issue so fast