Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows

ATML Group 9 - HT22

Repository containing code for the reproducibility challenge set as an exam in the ATML HT22 course. A reproduction of the results of the original paper by Danilo Jimenez Rezende and Shakir Mohamed.

The code for the Sylvester flows in is adapted from

Examples of how to train and evaluate the models are found in the Jupyter notebooks train_MNIST and train_CIFAR.

Model architecture
Model architecture
Comparasion Flows Impact at differnt flow Length
Effect of the flow-length on MNIST
Visualising the impact of applying Normilising Flows
Effect of planar and radial normalising flows on two standard distributions
Flows ability to fit any complex distributions
Approximating complex 2D distributions
reconstructions of images through the flows
Original input ${x}$ and the reconstructed $\hat{x}$