
Think Aloud feedback: remove Advanced Search link

Opened this issue · 9 comments

More than one interviewee reported that the "Advanced Search" link is confusing. It should either be relabeled or removed.

Since clicking it has the exact same result as a search without having supplied one or more search terms, we will remove the link.

  • remove Advanced Search from the Search screen
  • consider adding a "Browse entire catalogue" link that does the same thing as an empty search but present it elsewhere to the user in case they get hung up and want to go into the entire catalogue and use the facets and add search terms (hold this bullet item for now pending a UX Consult)

I got this working.

For some reason, I got this error on Test but not Prod, when clicking the link for Structure... Pages:

  • image

This should probably be a ticket of its own. (...And now there is: #533.)

On prod, it works, and I was able to use it to get the following links for on Test... all of which work, except for the "Structure... Pages" one.

You have to

This is currently done on Test but not on Dev or Prod. It is also in a PR, to make the change permanent on all 3 servers.
@NicoledeGreef, let me know if you'd like me to make this change manually also on Prod, so we don't have to wait for the PR to be merged and deployed.

Visually, the Advanced search link is gone as anticipated - thanks.

@NicoledeGreef, can I go ahead and merge this?

Looking at dev, test, and prod, the Advanced Search link is appearing. I had reviewed it somewhere at some point and it was gone. Wondering where I saw this as noted in my previous comment.

@NicoledeGreef, the changes I made in the UI to demonstrate this to you on dev/test must have been wiped out by a subsequent deploy.

But the code to make it permanent is in a PR, listed above. With your go-ahead, I'll merge it in, and it should fix it on dev/test, and also on prod if you're ready to deploy it there, too.

Thanks - I wondered if that might be the case. Yes, please merge.

@NicoledeGreef, this is now merged, and is on Dev/Test.

Deployed to PROD.