
Email output checkers upon submission of a request that is unclaimed

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User Story

As a output checker,

I want to be notified of the submission of requests that have not been claimed by another output checker

so that I am aware that a request may need my attention.

Test Case


  • DEV
  • TEST
  • PROD


Test case 1:

  1. Create a new request with a valid output file
  2. Submit the request

Test case 2:

  1. Create a new request with a valid output file
  2. Submit the request
  3. Withdraw the request before an output checker claims the request
  4. Re-submits the request

EXPECTED (for both test cases)

An email should go to a generic output checker email address (the actual email address should be something we can configure in OCWA). The email should note that a new output request has been submitted for review. The subject line should include a timestamp and the project user name of the submitter. e.g., New output request submission - testuser1-18-g01_2019-07-02_14.59.01
The body of the email message should be similar to the existing email output checkers get when a request they've claimed gets submitted.


No email is sent presently


Perhaps we would have to have a configurable parameter like "OUTPUTCHECKER_GROUP_EMAIL" that would email this group whenever a request moves to AWAITING_REVIEW