
Accessing contact form from a project revision throws error [4]

Opened this issue · 0 comments

BCerki commented

Describe the Bug:
If a user accesses the contact form via a project revision, the user will receive an error when trying to change the revision to "Approved." However, if a user returns to the project, the contact changes are successfully displayed.

Probability (how likely the bug is to happen, scored from 1-5): 2
(For example, probability of 5 is something like "it happens to all users every time they log in."
Probability of 1 "only happens to certain users when a really specific and unlikely path is followed.")

Effect (how bad the bug is when it does happen, scored from 1-5): 2
(For example, effect of 5 is "the entire app crashes and makes it unusable for all users" or "the bug causes the wrong data to be saved, with critical information (e.g. payment) being affected."
Effect of 1 is "It makes some styling look a little bit weird.")

Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

Note: the new contact is saved despite the error: Private Zenhub Image

Additional information:

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]
  • Browser: [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version: [e.g. 22]
  • Additional context