
As an Analyst, I want to download attachments to an application, so that I can access verification statements

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Analysts need to download the verification statement(s) from an application version, when it has been attached

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am a CIIP analyst
When I view an application from a reporter
And a verification statement was uploaded
Then I can download the verification statement

Given I am a CIIP analyst
When I view an application from a reporter
And no verification statement was uploaded
Then I can see a message "no verification statement was uploaded by the applicant"

Given I am a CIIP Industrial reporter
When I have uploaded a document
Then I can click on the title to download it

Dev checklist



Fantastic work @tmastrom ! I can see the verification statements to download both on the application summary for the external applicant, and for the analyst.