
As a CIIP devops engineer, I want to load test the file upload functionality, so that I can trust the system to handle a volume of file uploads

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The current load testing scripts only handle a handful of high-impact mutations (see here)
This is to add the file upload - with a test payload - and ensure the system can handle the load.

We can probably mock the GCS storage instead of hitting it, or use our TEST GCS namespace if we want to test the whole chain.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am a CIIP reporter
When I submit my application during a busy period, with a verification statement
Then the system should not crash
And I shouldn't notice excessive slow-downs

Given I am a CIIP Devops engineer,
When the scheduled load testing is scheduled
Then there are tests ready to be run

Given I am a CIIP Devops engineer,
When I run CI
Then there are smoke tests that cover the upload functionality

Dev Checklist

  • k6 load-testing tests for the upload functionality are ready for a load testing session with PS
  • k6 tests for the upload functionality have been added to our smoke tests
  • the tests mock the connection to gcs as we only need to test our own functions

We might want to split this card between writing the scripts and running the load testing itself:

  • the prep (writing the scripts, testing them locally)
  • running the load testing, in coordination with PS