
As a CIIP user (reporter and analyst), I want the AR5 GWP values to be in effect, so that I have accurate CO2e calculations for my emissions

Closed this issue · 4 comments


BC is using now AR5 GWP values (

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am an industrial reporter
When I fill out my application for 2022 reporting year
And I am on the emissions tab
Then I see AR5 GWP values
And the calculations reflect that

Given I am a CIIP analyst
When I view 2022 reporting year applications
Then I see AR5 GWP values
And the calculations reflect that

Given I am a CIIP analyst
When I view applications before 2022 (2021 and before)
Then I see AR4 GWP values

Dev checklist

  • ciip gas table now needs temporal column (reporting_year_start, reporting_year_end) and description
  • new data for AR5 GWP values in the gas prod data
  • Anywhere using that table now needs to fetch the correct gas data depending on the application reporting year
  • Tests for the logic where we select the proper gas
BCerki commented

What calculations needs to change as part of this?

@BCerki In the application process, both reporters and analysts see a conversion of emissions to tCO2e (tonnes of CO2 equivalent) - the GWP (global warming potential) are numbers for each gas that compare it with CO2. So CO2 has a GWP of 1, and all the other gasses a factor of that.


Thank you @dleard !