
Legal API Validation - Limited Restoration Conversion to Full Approval Type

Opened this issue · 4 comments

For Limited Restore by Registrar, then convert to Full Restore:
Go to the Limited Restoration Conversion to Full Application page.
The Section 3 approval type section shows both types
However, if we choose by court order, while there shows no error, after click "file and pay", it shows error saying "must choose registrar"

  • For the limited restoration done by Registrar, the conversion could be done by either Registrar or Court Order.
  • For the limited restoration done by Court Order, the conversion can be done only by Court Order.

The current validation says if its a limitedRestorationExtension or limitedRestorationToFull then user cannot modify approval type. We need to confirm the requirement

Based on what I understand in the UI design, if the limited restoration was approved by registrar then the conversion can be approved by registrar or court order. However, if the limited restoration was approved by court order then the conversion can only be approved by another court order.


UI design:

To be reviewed with Business @OlgaPotiagalova @Mihai-QuickSilverDev

Final Requirements - Approvals Combinations

  • Court Order to Court Order
  • Registrar to Registrar
  • Registrar to Court Order