
ULC/CCC/BC pipeline - data mapping analysis for Limited Restoration / Extension

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This ticket is used to analyze whether we have the required tables and data in the COLIN db extract(postgres) and LEAR db to start updating the corps data pipeline to bring over Limited Restoration / Extension for corps.

  • Determine if COLIN db extracts all relevant data for filing that need to make it into LEAR db. Reference data mapping(COLIN  LEAR) doc as starting point. May need to talk with David Roberts if there are questions about data mapping doc or COLIN specific questions.
  • Determine if LEAR db supports all the data from COLIN db extract
  • Cut tickets as required based off of analysis done in this ticket.
    Potential tickets may include:
    • Update COLIN db extract script to pull missing data
    • Update LEAR db and/or code to support data being pulled over from COLIN db extract