
Update the UI to match this model

swcurran opened this issue · 4 comments

Please use the screenshots here to update the dFlow pages.

The updates include:

  1. Adding help text on the pages.
  2. Adjusting the colours and the layout of the graph - minimally. The key changes:
    1. Putting the title and the action buttons in separate blocks in the header
    2. Centering the title in it's part of the header
    3. Removing the use of the blue colour entirely - just use Red/Yellow/Green
  3. Add About page (included), add FAQ page - contents TBD and Contact Us - use one similar to OrgBook.

In parallel, we'll be experimenting with the Schema Names to make them look good. TBD is if we can have spaces in the Schema Name.

NOTE: The Yellow/White contrast is insufficient right now, that may be updated as you go, or you should update it to something nice.

We'd like this launched in time for the Indy Workshop on Monday, March 11 - along with a reset ledger.

Proposed new yellow: #e3a82b

green = 6aa84fff
red = ff0000ff

esune commented

Thanks for the image and color codes @carolhoward! :)