Bugs when trying to run in demo mode
finnformica opened this issue · 7 comments
Hi all,
I am trying to get an issuer service up and running to work with a vc-authn-oidc service. I am using an M1 Macbook Pro and have had previous problems with using tools by bcgov and Hyperledger with this setup. I am attempting to run the issuer-kit
in demo mode by first running ngrok/start-ngrok.sh
(which was successful) and then running docker/manage build
which was unsuccessful. When the docker failed to build I got the following error:
Building issuer-kit-api image using quay.io/fedora/nodejs-18 as base...
error: Unable to load docker config: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type docker.dockerConfig
FATAL: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
which is strange since my docker daemon is up and running a local version of Keycloak. I have a feeling that this is linked to this issue here. Any help with this problem would be much appreciated thank you!
You are correct. This project's manage script uses s2i
for some of the builds. I'll discuss with @esune directly, as I don't have a Mac I can use for testing.
@finnformica could you try the code from my PR (see #423)? I was able to run on M1 mac without issues. The version of s2i
currently installed on my machine is v1.3.8-dirty
(the latest available on brew
@esune I've seen that its been merged so I've run a git pull
to update my local repo. I've then run brew uninstall source-to-image
and brew install source-to-image
as I tried brew install source-to-image@1.3.8-dirty
but brew failed to find the version. Running s2i version
confirms I have v1.3.8-dirty
as well.
With the update repo I ran ./manage build
and still recieve the same error:
Building issuer-kit-api image using quay.io/fedora/nodejs-18 as base...
error: Unable to load docker config: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type docker.dockerConfig
FATAL: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
Sorry for the long answer I just wanted to recount my steps since you said its working for you but it doesn't seem like anything has changed on my end.
@finnformica could you check if tehre are updates for your docker installation and paste the result of docker --version
If possible, I'd also try the "purge" command (it will remove all running containers) to clean up the daemon settings/cache. The error really seems to indicate the shell cannot connect to the daemon and I wasn't able to reproduce it unfortunately.
@esune my docker version is Docker version 24.0.2, build cb74dfc
I couldn't find the purge command did you mean docker system prune
Inf you use Docker desktop, clicking on the little bug icon on the top-right end of the window you can open a menu where the "Clean / Purge data" option is located.
@esune even after purging the containers and data annoyingly I still get the same error...