
Give more informative error message when passing weights with Inf value!

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  data <- ssddata::ccme_boron
  data$Weight <- 1
  data$Weight[rank(data$Conc) > 6] <- 0
  expect_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, dists="lnorm", weight = "Weight"),
               "^`data` has 22 rows with zero weight in 'Weight'\\.$")

  data$Weight[rank(data$Conc) > 6] <- -1
  expect_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, dists="lnorm", weight = "Weight"),
               "^`data\\$Weight` must have values between 0 and Inf\\.$")
  data$Weight[rank(data$Conc) > 6] <- Inf
  expect_warning(expect_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, dists="lnorm", weight = "Weight"),
               "^All distributions failed to fit\\.$"))