
Gender-digit is incorrect for Swedish Personnummer generation

LarsBergqvist opened this issue · 3 comments

Bogus NuGet Package


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.NET 8

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Problem Description

The generation of Swedish Personnummer is incorrect with respect to gender (in ExtensionsForSweden).

See https://skatteverket.se/privat/folkbokforing/personnummerochsamordningsnummer.4.3810a01c150939e893f18c29.html#accordion-0-item-0

LINQPad Example or Reproduction Steps

These tests in SwedishExtensionTest.cs are wrongly stated/implemented, should be the other way around:

Expected Behavior

Second last digit in a generated Swedish Personnummer should be even for Female gender
Second last digit in a generated Swedish Personnummer should be odd for Male gender

Actual Behavior

Second last digit in a generated Swedish Personnummer is odd for Female gender
Second last digit in a generated Swedish Personnummer is even for Male gender

Known Workarounds

I can generate an object that contains matching gender for Name and Personnummer by using two different Person-instances, where the one used for generating Personnummer has "inverted" gender compared to the Person used for generating the name.

Could you help with a pull-request?


Cool. Thanks for the bug report. Sure, you can submit a PR if you like.

Just a couple of guidelines:

  • Reference this GH issue number #534 in your PR.
  • Please keep your PR/change-set strictly focused on this kind of change (ie: don't include any code reformatting); keep the PR/changes strictly on topic.


@LarsBergqvist , your changes are in Bogus release v35.4.1:

Thanks again for the PR!

Great, thanks for maintaining this awesome library!