Impact of Social Habits on Academic Success Project

R, Random Forest, XGBoost, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)

Project Overview

Devised a multiple regression model for two Portuguese public school datasets by performing data cleaning and exploratory analysis to predict academic success from factors of students’ socio-demographic background and alcohol consumption

Installation and Setup

  • Technologies: R Studio
  • R Version: 4.2.2
  • Packages Used:
    • Data Manipulation: tidyverse, tidymodels
    • Data Visualization: ggplot2, yardstick, corrplot, rpart.plot
    • Machine Learning: randomForest, xgboost, vip, ranger, kernlab, kknn, baguette


Source Data

Data Acquisition

Data Preprocessing

Our variables of focus:

  • id
  • id

Results and Evaluation


Future Work
