
After end of work library does not finishing the process

mynoheart opened this issue · 4 comments

var Smb = require('smb2');

var client = new Smb({
  share: '\\\\\\Shared Folder',
  domain: 'BlaBla',
  username: '',
  password: ''

client.readdir('subfolder', function (err, files) {
  if (err) return new Error(err);
  //error is null
  //the console output true list of files
  //after this line process does not finishing
  //it continues work about 5 seconds

If call more functions(ex. readdir,readfile and etc.) then work continues will be longer.

what kind of SMB server are you using ? Is it a Samba server ?
Have you tried with a share that does not contain a space ?

As smb server i used shared folder on Windows 7. I don't know smb server on Windows whether versions :-)
As client Linux.
No, it folder have free space.

Now i tried on localhost on Linux. Also process finished with delay. Samba 4.1.9-1

I'm sorry, i just forgot close the client connection after finish work. Problem is fixed. :-)