
Standard 2nd Ed. Character Sheet (US-Letter)

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Love the new default sheet:

A reminder, since you probably already know... but Severity calculation for weapons (at least Phaser type-2) is wrong, it is still being calculated as Severity from 2e PLUS Sec level of character, the latter is no longer a thing in 2e, right?

On a personal request, the "ink" intensity on the blue and gold lettering of the Attributes and Departments sections of this new 2e pdf output is... light (at least when printed from a high-end color laser printer). It is even a little light on my monitor which is a 4K high refresh screen. On a bright tablet (ipad m4 from 2024, so OLED screen), all the lettering for all colors is fine.


For the sake of brevity... additional typesetting issue previously brought up for a few examples, but I missed this. Under the talent "Walking Encyclopedia":

"Once per session, when you attempt a task, you may spend 2 Momentum (Immediate) to gain an addition- al focus..."
so, it is the "addition- al" part

Regarding the ink intensity: I think there are a coupl'a factors at play. First is that the font is very light, so the stroke of individual letters don't carry much ink (the font of the original character sheet is a custom font created by Paramount for the new Trek series, and isn't generally available. The custom font has a bolder appearance compared to the one that I'm using. I'm constrained to using fonts that are available under open licenses, and the one I'm using best matches the appearance of the original while being available under an open license).

Second is that the font for those labels is very small.

But you're identifying a valid problem. Let me think about what I'm gonna do, there.

I think I've addressed the weapons dice issue.