
Google Drive link only includes composites

benjaminwfriedman opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, unless I have done something wrong it seems like the google drive link provided in this repo only includes composite images rather than the described structure:

├── background:
├── category:
├── imgID.jpg
├── ……
├── ……
├── foreground:
├── category:
├── imgID.jpg
├── mask_imgID.jpg
├── ……
├── ……
├── composite:
├── train_set:
├── fgimgID_bgimgID_x_y_w_h_scale_label.jpg
├── mask_fgimgID_bgimgID_x_y_w_h_scale_label.jpg
├── ……
└── test_set:
├── train_set.csv
└── test_set.csv

Your GracoNet implementation seems to rely on this too.

I downloaded the dataset from the google drive link and unzipped it to get the following file directory. Could you please provide more details on the download process or try downloading again?
截屏2024-01-31 12 11 59

Hey sorry took me a second to get back to you. When I unzipped it on my local it worked great. The original issue occured trying to extract it in an azure ml workspace using the linux unrar command. Just documenting incase it is helpful in the future, extracting on my local windows machine worked great. Thanks