
Need to add seen true

sean-abbott opened this issue · 3 comments

Oracle seems to have added another little bit to this, so in order to use your code, I had to add the following:

  • name: mark oracle license as seen
    shell: echo "debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 seen true" | debconf-set-selections

referencing this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/190582/installing-java-automatically-with-silent-option

Without that, i was getting:
msg: 'apt-get install 'oracle-java7-installer' ' failed:
oracle-license-v1-1 license could not be presented
try 'dpkg-reconfigure debconf' to select a frontend other than noninteractive

the debconf module should set seen=true by default

It should, but it wasn't on ubuntu 14.04.

I'm going to close this here as that is a feature of the current debconf module in ansible core, if it is not working, its a bug with the module