Multi Agent Pathfinding for Large Agents

CMPT417 D100 Summer 2022 - Hang Ma

Gaelan O'Shea-McKay - 301267831
Hassan Shahid - 301382353
Bryan Wong - 301381982

This project contains multiple solvers for the Multi-Agent Path Finding problem with large size (2x2 and 3x3) agents.

These solvers are implemented inside code/code/ and can be invoked from the command line with:


With a number of arguments.

Required Arguments:
--instance <file_path/file_name> Specify the instance to attempt to solve.
--solver <solver_name> (Options: MCCBS, Prioritized) Specify which solver to use.

Optional Arguments:
--batch Run the solver against a batch of instances. Incompatible with Prioritized Planning.
--splitter <splitter_name> (Options: standard, disjoint, symmetrical, asymmetrical) Choose the splitting strategy to use. Defaults to standard if omitted.
--maxnodes <max_number_of_generated_nodes> Choose a number of generated nodes at which to stop the solver. If omitted, will run until a solution is found or the computer runs out of memory.

It also contains a suite of instances for benchmarking the solvers, located inside /code/code/benchmarking/.

Some extra hard instances can also be found in /code/code/benchmarking/hard/

For example, to invoke the MCCBS solver with symmetrical splitting on the set of benchmarking instances and a limit of 500,000 generated nodes run:
cd code
cd code
python --instance "benchmarking/inst_*" --solver MCCBS --splitter symmetrical --batch --maxnodes 500000

The results of the solver are found in /code/code/mccbs_<splitter_name>_results.csv.

An example of the results of previous runs with various solvers can be found inside data/.

Thanks for reading!