Stellar Metallicity Prior in Linear Units
anersesi opened this issue · 2 comments
I have a question. I was wondering if it is possible to give a stellar metallicity prior in linear units, without altering Prospector or FSPS?
I am using this: model_params["logzsol"]["prior"] = priors.TopHat(mini=-1.98, maxi=0.19)
So, what I would like to test is something like this: model_params["logzsol"]["prior"] = priors.LogUniform(mini=0.011, maxi=1.55)
Many thanks!
Hi @anersesi
I think the versions you have above (a linear parameter with a LogUniform prior, or a logarithmic parameter with a uniform prior) are functionally equivalent.
If you really want a linear metallicity parameter so you can, e.g. use a prior that is Uniform in Z/Zsun, not log(Z/Z_sun) you could try a parameter transformation, see for some information on this.
Thanks a lot for the prompt answer.