
doesPrivateExist logic is wrong

Closed this issue · 2 comments

const chatExists = await this.doesPrivateExist(users[0], users[1]); console.log(chatExists); if (chatExists && chatExists.users.length > 1) { throw new BadRequestException("Private chat already exists"); }

private async doesPrivateExist(idOne: number, idTwo: number): Promise<Chat> { return await this.chatRepo.findOne({ relations: ['users'], where: { type: ChatType.PRIVATE, // users: In([idOne, idTwo]), users: { id: In([idOne, idTwo]), }, } }); }

Bob was so sure of himself that it was fixed. And here we are again! :)

I used this code first

	private async doesPrivateExist(idOne: number, idTwo: number): Promise<Chat> {
		return await this.chatRepo.findOne({
			relations: ['users'],
			where: {
				type: ChatType.PRIVATE,
				// users: In([idOne, idTwo]),
				users: {
					id: In([idOne, idTwo]),

I use id: In(). This doesnt work at all oops.

Switched to finding a chat by looping through every chat!

	private async doesPrivateExist(idOne: number, idTwo: number): Promise<Chat> {
		const userOne = await this.userService.findUserById(idOne)
		const userTwo = await this.userService.findUserById(idTwo)

		if (!userOne) {
			throw new UserNotFoundException();
		if (!userTwo) {
			throw new UserNotFoundException();
		const allchats = await this.chatRepo.find();
		const foundChat = allchats.find((chat) => {
			if (chat.type == ChatType.PRIVATE && chat.users.includes(userOne) && chat.users.includes(userTwo))
				return chat;

		return (foundChat);

But issue is Resolved!