- Required:
package - Optionnal:
To install lxm, with root rights:
- Clone the repo and go into it
- Run
- Configure the configuration file
If you want to use the integrated firewall (based on iptables):
- Run
fw init; fw test
and answery
Note: If you lose access, rules are reset after 5 seconds without validation
To test the installation, run lxm version
lxm 1.0.5, lxc 3.0.3
The MIT License: <https://mit-license.org>
Written by Baptiste DE RENZO
To build a container:
- Create the data structure:
lxm init helloworld --bare
- Go to container directory:
cd helloworld
- Edit and complete the configuration file
, view container build configuration - Build container:
lxm build ct.conf
- List container:
lxm ls
- Get container info:
lxm info <name>
- Execute a command in container:
lxm exec <name> <cmd>
- Stop container:
lxm stop <name>
- Delete container:
lxm rm <name>
- Start all container:
lxm start all
- Get a shell in container:
lxm go <name>
- ...
To view the help, run lxm help
Available COMMANDS:
init NAME --bare init a build data structure directories and files
init NAME [OPTS] create a named container using the download template
build CONFIG [-f] create container from configuration file
rm NAME [-y] [-f] delete the named container
start NAME [NAME...] start the named container(s)
stop NAME [NAME...] stop the named container(s)
restart NAME [NAME...] stop & start the named container(s)
update NAME [NAME...] update the named running container(s)
backup NAME PATH backup the named container
restore BACKUP NAME restore the named container
clone NAME [CLONE] clone the named container [to clone]
attach NAME attach the named container using bash as a default shell
go NAME start if not ready, and attach to the named container
exec NAME COMMAND run a command on the named running container
execfile NAME FILE run a script on the named running container (with sh)
ls [PATTERN] list of available containers [matching pattern]
lsi [PATTERN] list of available images [matching pattern]
cpumap [PATTERN] list of used cores [matchin pattern]
info NAME give information about the named container
top [NAME] give top information about [named] container
push NAME SRC [DST] copy the source file to the target path in the named container
share NAME SRC MNT [ro|rw] mount a shared directory on the named container
unshare NAME SRC unmount the shared directory on the named container
config edit|set|get NAME modify configuration of the named container
help [COMMAND] displays help message [for the designated command]
version show version
To view the detailed help of a command , run lxm help command
Just run, with root rights ./install --remove