
Licence Utility Hangs on 10.6

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The licence utility hangs at launch on 10.6.

A sample shows that [OAGradientTableView highlightSelectionInClipRect:] is getting called recursively.

Simple fix is to change the License Templates table view class in the nib from OAGradientTableView to AQTableView.
This keeps the item delete functionality but discards the troublesome gradient highlight.

Other fixes for this may be possible. Only tested on 10.6.

I'm unable to reproduce this; it launches just fine for me. -highlightSelectionInClipRect: also doesn't seem to have any direct recursive calls. Perhaps you can post the full sample so we can contrast the situations and winnow out the root cause?

This is, incidentally, with 1a93412, the current latest revision.

Sample Attached.
-highlightSelectionInClipRect: does not have direct recursive calls but the stack does recurse into this function.

OS x 10.6.2

In the project build settings Base SDK [SDKROOT] is Current Mac OS.

Sampling process 1857 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Analysis of sampling AquaticPrime Developer (pid 1857) every 1 millisecond
Call graph:
2219 Thread_12047 DispatchQueue_1: (serial)
2219 start
2219 main
2219 NSApplicationMain
2219 +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibNamed:owner:]
2219 +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) _loadNibFile:nameTable:withZone:ownerBundle:]
2219 loadNib
2219 -[NSIBObjectData nibInstantiateWithOwner:topLevelObjects:]
2219 -[NSSet makeObjectsPerformSelector:]
2219 -[MainController awakeFromNib]
2219 -[NSWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:]
2219 -[NSWindow orderWindow:relativeTo:]
2219 -[NSWindow _reallyDoOrderWindow:relativeTo:findKey:forCounter:force:isModal:]
2219 -[NSView displayIfNeeded]
2219 -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:]
2219 -[NSThemeFrame _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]
2219 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:topView:]
2219 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
2219 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
2219 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
2219 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
2219 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
2219 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:]
2219 -[NSTableView drawRect:]
2211 -[OAGradientTableView highlightSelectionInClipRect:]
398 CGContextClipToRect
396 CGGStateClipToRect
169 maybeCopyClipState
151 CGClipStackCreateMutableCopy
133 calloc
127 malloc_zone_calloc
106 szone_malloc_should_clear
50 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
49 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
1 tiny_free_list_add_ptr
39 szone_malloc_should_clear
14 __bzero
3 __cpu_number
13 __spin_lock
3 malloc_zone_calloc
2 dyld_stub__spin_lock
1 dyld_stub__spin_unlock
1 dyld_stub_memset
1 szone_calloc
6 calloc
17 CGClipStackCreateMutableCopy
1 dyld_stub_malloc_zone_calloc
10 maybeCopyClipState
5 CGClipStackRelease
3 dyld_stub_calloc
105 CGClipStackAddRect
35 CGClipStackAddRect
28 CGRectIntersection
18 CGRectContainsRect
9 fmin$fenv_access_off
8 fmax$fenv_access_off
5 dyld_stub_fmax
2 dyld_stub_fmin
40 CGRectIntegral
27 CGRectIntegral
7 floor$fenv_access_off
6 ceil
23 CGGStateClipToRect
21 CGRectIntersection
20 CGRectApplyAffineTransform
5 fmax$fenv_access_off
3 CGAffineTransformIsRectilinear
3 CGGStateGetShouldAntialias
2 dyld_stub_fmin
2 fmin$fenv_access_off
1 CGGStateGetCTM
1 dyld_stub_ceil
1 dyld_stub_floor
2 CGContextClipToRect
367 CGContextRestoreGState
358 CGGStackRestore
232 CGGStateRelease
105 szone_free_definite_size
72 szone_free_definite_size
23 tiny_free_list_remove_ptr
10 tiny_free_list_add_ptr
28 free
18 szone_size
10 free
18 __spin_lock
16 _CFRelease
10 _CFRelease
6 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
9 CGClipStackRelease
6 CGClipStackRelease
3 free
8 CFRelease
8 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
8 __compare_and_swap32
8 text_state_release
7 CGGStateRelease
6 strokeStateRelease
5 deviceStateRelease
3 renderingStateRelease
2 CGGStateClipRelease
2 CGGStateDeviceRelease
2 CGGStateTextRelease
1 CGGStateRenderingRelease
1 CGGStateStrokeRelease
1 OSSpinLockUnlock
1 compare_and_swap32
1 dyld_stub_free
56 szone_free_definite_size
38 szone_free_definite_size
16 tiny_free_list_add_ptr
1 spin_lock
1 tiny_free_list_remove_ptr
27 free
20 szone_size
7 free
19 x_list_remove_head

16 x_mem_dealloc_bucket
14 x_mem_dealloc_bucket
2 pthread_getspecific
2 x_list_remove_head

1 x_list_free_1

11 _spin_lock
9 CGGStackRestore
2 dyld_stub__spin_lock
1 CFRelease
1 x_list_free_1

5 CGContextRestoreGState
1 CGGStateRelease
1 dyld_stub__spin_unlock
1 free
1 gs_list_get_gstate
294 CGContextDrawShading
280 ripc_DrawShading
262 ripc_GetRenderingState
226 ripc_GetClipState
88 ripc_GetClipState
40 malloc_zone_malloc
18 __spin_lock
13 szone_malloc_should_clear
7 malloc_zone_malloc
1 dyld_stub__spin_lock
1 dyld_stub__spin_unlock
35 szone_free
33 szone_free
2 tiny_free_list_add_ptr
21 ripd_Geometry
14 CGSDeviceGetGeometry
7 ripd_Geometry
11 __spin_lock
11 ripc_GetClipStackData
7 RIPLayerReplace
3 CGRectIsInfinite
3 malloc_zone_free
2 CGRenderingStateGetAllowsAntialiasing
2 dyld_stub_CGSDeviceGetGeometry
1 CGClipStackGetCount
1 OSSpinLockUnlock
1 dyld_stub_CGClipStackGetRect
26 ripc_GetRenderingState
3 CGGStateGetClipStack
3 dyld_stub_CGClipStackGetCount
2 dyld_stub_CGRenderingStateGetAllowsAntialiasing
1 CGGStateGetSoftMask
1 malloc_zone_free
15 ripc_DrawShading
3 CGContextDelegateGetInfo
8 CGContextDelegateDrawShading
6 CGContextDrawShading
271 CGShadingCreateAxial
266 CGShadingCreateAxial2
221 CGShadingCreateEmpty
137 CGTypeCreateInstanceWithAllocator
115 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance
64 malloc_zone_malloc
44 szone_malloc_should_clear
36 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
23 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
13 tiny_free_list_add_ptr
8 szone_malloc_should_clear
15 __spin_lock
3 malloc_zone_malloc
1 dyld_stub__spin_lock
1 dyld_stub__spin_unlock
20 _CFRuntimeCreateInstance
13 CFAllocatorAllocate
11 __bzero
4 __CFAllocatorSystemAllocate
2 memset
1 pthread_getspecific
12 __bzero
6 CGTypeCreateInstanceWithAllocator
2 dyld_stub_malloc_zone_malloc
2 dyld_stub_pthread_getspecific
35 CGColorSpaceRetain
14 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
14 __compare_and_swap32
9 CGColorSpaceRetain
4 CFRetain
4 _CFRetain
2 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
2 _CFRetain
3 __compare_and_swap32
1 dyld_stub_OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier
34 CGShadingCreateEmpty
6 CGTypeRegisterWithCallbacks
4 dyld_stub_memset
1 CFRetain
1 CGShadingGetTypeID
1 CGTypeCreateInstance
1 dyld_stub_CFRetain
1 dyld_stub__CFRuntimeCreateInstance
29 CGFunctionRetain
15 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
15 __compare_and_swap32
7 _CFRetain
5 _CFRetain
2 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
3 CFRetain
3 CGFunctionRetain
1 __compare_and_swap32
13 CGShadingCreateAxial2
1 CFRetain
1 CGTypeCreateInstance
1 dyld_stub_CFRetain
5 CGShadingCreateAxial
250 _CFRelease
84 shadingFinalize
31 _CFRelease
20 _CFRelease
11 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
23 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
23 __compare_and_swap32
10 CGColorSpaceRelease
9 shadingFinalize
7 CFRelease
3 get_notification_center
1 dyld_stub_OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier
28 _CFRelease
28 szone_free
27 szone_free
1 _spin_lock
26 objc_removeAssociatedObjects
14 objc_removeAssociatedObjects
12 _class_instancesHaveAssociatedObjects
23 CFAllocatorDeallocate
17 object_getClass
11 free
10 __CFAllocatorSystemDeallocate
7 __spin_lock
6 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
6 malloc_zone_free
2 dyld_stub_CFRelease
1 CFRelease
1 dyld_stub__spin_lock
222 CGContextSaveGState
216 CGGStackSave
189 CGGStateCreateCopy
116 calloc
108 malloc_zone_calloc
63 szone_malloc_should_clear
29 szone_malloc_should_clear
28 __bzero
3 memset
2 tiny_malloc_from_free_list
1 __cpu_number
25 malloc_zone_calloc
12 __spin_lock
7 szone_calloc
1 dyld_stub__spin_lock
8 calloc
24 CGColorRetain
8 _CFRetain
4 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
4 _CFRetain
6 CFRetain
4 CGColorRetain
3 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
3 __compare_and_swap32
2 compare_and_swap32
1 dyld_stub_OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier
19 CGGStateClipCopy
15 CGGStateClipCopy
4 CGClipStackRetain
15 CGGStateCreateCopy
8 CGGStateTextCopy
6 CGGStateTextCopy
2 text_state_release
4 CGGStateDeviceCopy
1 CGGStateRenderingCopy
1 CGGStateStrokeCopy
1 dyld_stub_CFRetain
11 x_list_prepend

9 x_mem_alloc_bucket
2 x_list_prepend

7 CGGStackSave
7 gs_list_get_gstate
2 dyld_stub_calloc
6 CGContextSaveGState
126 -[NSDynamicSystemColor set]
52 -[NSCalibratedRGBColor set]
14 CGGStateSetFillColor
8 CGGStateSetFillColor
6 CGColorEqualToColor
12 objc_msgSend
6 -[NSCGSContext graphicsPort]
6 allowTransparencyWhenPrinting
5 -[NSCalibratedRGBColor set]
5 CGContextSetFillColorWithColor
4 +[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]
2 dyld_stub_pthread_getspecific
1 +[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]
1 __NSAppKitGetThreadSpecificData
27 objc_msgSend
19 -[NSDynamicSystemColor set]
16 CGGStateSetStrokeColor
11 CGGStateSetStrokeColor
5 CGColorEqualToColor
11 +[NSGraphicsContext currentContextDrawingToScreen]
6 +[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]
3 +[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]
2 __NSAppKitGetThreadSpecificData
1 __NSAppKitGetThreadSpecificData
1 pthread_getspecific
1 dyld_stub_pthread_getspecific
3 objc_msgSend
2 +[NSGraphicsContext currentContextDrawingToScreen]
1 dyld_stub_objc_msgSend
72 objc_msgSend
62 -[OAGradientTableView highlightSelectionInClipRect:]
18 -[NSTableView rectOfRow:]
11 objc_msgSend
5 -[NSTableView rectOfRow:]
2 -[NSTableView numberOfRows]
18 NSDivideRect
18 objc_msgSend_stret
12 -[NSIndexSet _indexClosestToIndex:equalAllowed:following:]
11 +[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]
8 +[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]
2 dyld_stub_pthread_getspecific
1 __NSAppKitGetThreadSpecificData
11 NSRectFill
11 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
11 __compare_and_swap32
9 CFRelease
7 CGPointMake
7 objc_msgSend_fixedup
6 NSUnionRect
6 objc_msgSend_stret_fixedup
4 CGShadingRelease
3 dyld_stub_objc_msgSend
2 __CFAllocatorSystemDeallocate
1 -[NSCGSContext graphicsPort]
1 -[NSIndexSet indexGreaterThanIndex:]
1 CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor
1 dyld_stub_CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor
1 malloc_zone_free
1 szone_free
3 CGPointMake
2 dyld_stub_CGContextClipToRect
1 CGShadingRelease
1 dyld_stub_CFRelease
1 dyld_stub_CGContextDrawShading
2219 Thread_12055 DispatchQueue_2: (serial)
2219 start_wqthread
2219 _pthread_wqthread
2219 _dispatch_worker_thread2
2219 _dispatch_queue_invoke
2219 _dispatch_mgr_invoke
2219 kevent

Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):
12 OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier
10 __compare_and_swap32
8 __spin_lock
6 dyld_stub__spin_lock
5 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:]
5 CFRelease
5 CFRetain
5 free
5 objc_msgSend
5 tiny_free_list_add_ptr

Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):
kevent 2219
objc_msgSend 125
szone_free_definite_size 110
__spin_lock 105
szone_malloc_should_clear 89
ripc_GetClipState 88
__compare_and_swap32 81
tiny_malloc_from_free_list 74
__bzero 65
-[OAGradientTableView highlightSelectionInClipRect:] 62
szone_free 61
_CFRelease 58
CGRectIntersection 49
tiny_free_list_add_ptr 42
szone_size 38
CGClipStackAddRect 35
CGShadingCreateEmpty 34
free 32
OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier 31
malloc_zone_calloc 28
CGRectIntegral 27
CFRelease 26
ripc_GetRenderingState 26
tiny_free_list_remove_ptr 24
CFAllocatorDeallocate 23
CGGStateClipToRect 23
CGRectApplyAffineTransform 20
_CFRuntimeCreateInstance 20
-[NSDynamicSystemColor set] 19
CGRectContainsRect 18
NSDivideRect 18
objc_msgSend_stret 18
CGClipStackCreateMutableCopy 17
object_getClass 17
CFRetain 15
CGGStateClipCopy 15
CGGStateCreateCopy 15
ripc_DrawShading 15
CGSDeviceGetGeometry 14
calloc 14
objc_removeAssociatedObjects 14
x_mem_dealloc_bucket 14
CFAllocatorAllocate 13
CGShadingCreateAxial2 13
fmax$fenv_access_off 13
+[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] 12
-[NSIndexSet _indexClosestToIndex:equalAllowed:following:] 12
__CFAllocatorSystemDeallocate 12
_class_instancesHaveAssociatedObjects 12
CGClipStackRelease 11
CGColorEqualToColor 11
CGGStateSetStrokeColor 11
NSRectFill 11
_CFRetain 11
fmin$fenv_access_off 11
malloc_zone_free 11
ripc_GetClipStackData 11
CGColorSpaceRelease 10
CGPointMake 10
malloc_zone_malloc 10
maybeCopyClipState 10
text_state_release 10
CGColorSpaceRetain 9
CGGStackRestore 9
shadingFinalize 9
x_mem_alloc_bucket 9
CGContextDelegateDrawShading 8
CGGStateRelease 8
CGGStateSetFillColor 8
dyld_stub__spin_lock 8
gs_list_get_gstate 8
szone_calloc 8
-[NSCGSContext graphicsPort] 7
CGGStackSave 7
RIPLayerReplace 7
dyld_stub_pthread_getspecific 7
floor$fenv_access_off 7
objc_msgSend_fixedup 7
ripd_Geometry 7
CGContextDrawShading 6
CGContextSaveGState 6
CGGStateTextCopy 6
CGTypeCreateInstanceWithAllocator 6
CGTypeRegisterWithCallbacks 6
NSUnionRect 6
allowTransparencyWhenPrinting 6
ceil 6
objc_msgSend_stret_fixedup 6
strokeStateRelease 6
-[NSCalibratedRGBColor set] 5
-[NSTableView rectOfRow:] 5
CGContextRestoreGState 5
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor 5
CGShadingCreateAxial 5
CGShadingRelease 5
deviceStateRelease 5
dyld_stub_calloc 5
dyld_stub_fmax 5
dyld_stub_memset 5
memset 5
Sample analysis of process 1857 written to file /dev/stdout

The base SDK should probably be left at the 10.4 it's set to until the codebase is updated for newer SDKs. That said, even after overriding the SDK to 10.6 in the overview menu in the toolbar, it's still launching OK for me.

I also don't see any sign of recursion across -highlightSelectionInClipRect: in the sample. The time seems to be spread across the various CoreGraphics methods, none of which end up back in -highlightSelectionInClipRect:. Am I missing something?

Have you tried moving aside the application support files to see if the issue is data-dependent?

I don't have the 10.4 SDK installed unfortunately.

The issue was caused by an Architectures [ARCHS] build setting of 'Native Architecture of Build Machine' or -arch x86_64.

Forcing the build to 32 bit resolves the problem on 10.6.

Thanks for your help.


OK, good to know this is what it looks like when that happens. I've opened issue #5 to update/rewrite the license utility in a more modern way.