

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi have just set up a mega with a 2 differant ramps 1.6 boards and the 20x4 reprap controller.
I have succesfully loaded the firmware on . all the parts have been used and I know there working
no mpg encoder connected or keypad.
The lcd backlight comes on and the steppers lock.
Any Ideas

Steppers locking is normal, type '$SLP' into serial monitor to see them unlock.

LCD not working means pinout definitions for your setup are not correct. Change them.

ok I wound it up to 15 vols and it works now?? I can bring it down to 12v and its still OK, Ive put a keypad on it but its a bit buggy. for instance how do you jog an axis?
However I can pick up a file and run it from the sd card, plus I can communicate with it from pronterface.
regards Tony