
Can't compile beNative/LogViewer because of error in dduce

luebbe opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Folks,

I have no problem compiling and running the tests for dduce after adding some paths to the spring libraries.
However I never succeed in compiling LogViewer, because of the following fatal error in DDuce.ObjectInspector.zObjectInspector.pas:

[dcc32 Fataler Fehler] DDuce.ObjectInspector.zObjectInspector.pas(31): F2613 Unit 'zObjInspector' nicht gefunden.

I'm not able to find (via grep search): zObjInspector, zObjInspTypes and TzObjectInspector, TzObjectHost in any of the mentioned depenencies.

Where can I find those files?

You need following libraries (use my own forked versions):

Please note that the project is still premature and more documentation and build instructions will be added soon.