
Lag between dat:// and https:// versions of site?

dwblair opened this issue · 3 comments


(Thanks again for all the inspiring leadership, vision, and plain ol' hard pioneering work you're putting into this!)

I'm revisiting building a site with Beaker and hosting on Hashbase, and there seems to be a lag between the dat:// and https:// versions of the site ... unless I'm missing a required step in getting changes in one to propagate to the other?

My username on hashbase is 'edgecollective', and the current example of differences bewteen the two versions can be seen here:


  • Don

Hi Don! I'm not currently seeing any differences but I dont have any trouble believing that's happened. Hashbase has been suffering some reliability issues because the architecture hit its scaling limit, so we're building out a replacement called Beaker.Cloud that can handle scale a bit better.

Hi Paul!

Thanks for this -- that makes sense -- and if what I'm seeing on my end is 'real' (and not me goofing up some setting), then it sounds like it's in the category of 'good problems to have' ... it's so cool that Hashbase has been growing apace ... it's already done so much to promote the p2p web ... and Beaker.Cloud sounds really exciting!


❤️ Appreciate the kind words!