
versioning - incremental numeric only option?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

sull commented

Maybe this is better asked in the datproject github...
For versioning and appending to address/url, is the only option to have incrementing numeric versions or could another format be used? I was thinking of obfuscating version strings for a non-obvious use case (making versions as secretive/unguessable as dat addresses).

We do want to eventually support version labels, such as "+v1.0.0". We just have to get around to it.

What's your usecase for unguessable versions?

Unguessable/obfuscated version strings might not be possible. The way I can see that working is by using content-hashes -- eg, using the hash of the hypercore's head. You'd have to go through the whole history though, looking for the version where hash(head) === versionlabel.