
Codegen Stripe API

snewcomer opened this issue · 4 comments

Putting an issue here to track work being done to codegen your APIs from the Stripe OpenAPI spec. This will automate version changes on the Stripe side and avoid issues with out of date library APIs and parameters.

Working to complete by end of month.

Hey. Wanted to let you know about the library on I wrote. It generates a Stripe api Sdk from the spec at compile time, automatically incorporating changes from upstream.

It started out as a more generic approach to generating elixir openapi SDK's but I first wanted to focus on Stripe.
I saw this issue and wanted to keep you from doing duplicate work. Perhaps we can merge my library back into stripe-elixir.

See also

Thanks @maartenvanvliet! The work you did is really nice.

Ideally we have one elixir stripe library. As you probably know, an ecosystem with multiple libraries doing the same thing is messy for end users. I started generating some files with their spec today, but I'll certainly save myself the work if possible. Would love to merge your work into stripe-elixir if that is ok with you. How would you like to proceed?

(Starting to look at your library...)

Just offering, happy to do the work to copy it in as well if that sat with you better as well depending on your current workload. Love what you did with that lib btw.

Fully agree with having one elixir stripe library, the community is best served when our collective efforts are focussed.
Feel free to copy it all in if you have the time.

There's no support for webhooks with plug like stripe-elixir currently has. So, that part can be kept.

We can work towards a v3-rc1 release of stripe-elixir. There's some work to be done still on file uploads and connected accounts but both shouldn't be a lot of work.