
Publish package on Hex

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'd like to depend on this library in my New Relic telemetry handler, is it ready to be published to Hex?

@binaryseed we could publish to Hex if you feel like you really need it, but please be aware that the API may, and probably will, change.

However, if that's not a huge problem for you, I'd wait a bit with publishing to Hex, until we know that at least basic reporter can be built with the current API.

I was looking to generate metric some structs so my library can take them in & attach to the relevant events. I can include this via git for now

Anything I could do to help? I'm building a New Relic reporter over here: binaryseed/new_relic_ecto#4

@binaryseed it would be great if you could use it as git dep for a while now, thanks!

Regarding help, I think the most valuable thing is feedback - if you feel like something is missing, please open up an issue :)