
The sampling name is incorrectly used

josevalim opened this issue · 4 comments

@fishcakez brought to my attention that the name sampling is confusing, especially in regards to the OpenCensus nomenclature.

To be more precise, the confusion arises because this library provides a "sampling rate", which is a very specific case of sampling, compared to sampling in general.

One option is to rename this library, but we could not come up with a good name. Maybe telemetry_timer. In any case, we thought we could raise the topic for debate.

Meanwhile I have updated the docs in d3b9129 to mention it is a time based sampler, as found in signal processing.

Thanks for raising this. Indeed, even though the name is not completely incorrect, it might be confusing. I kind of like "timer", but it might be confused with something which allows to emit "timing" events (similar to Phoenix instrumenters).

My suggestion for the name: telemetry_poller, since that's what we do, we are polling some metrics (which are not published).

@arkgil I see that you also started telemetry_metrics. What is the goal of the new project? Let's have a call and discuss it so we make sure we don't get the name wrong this time around. :D

@josevalim Poller sounds good!