
Workshop Twitter bio

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Workshop Twitter bio

Maybe something like: "Tracking who is dying from COVID-19 and who is fully vaccinated in Chicago, by @beamalsky & @southsideweekly. Methodology & related reporting:", and the link can go to the editor's note/launch page on the Weekly's website

This is 159/160 characters btw haha

I like it but you forgot yourself! What do you think about:

Which Chicagoans are getting vaccinated? A bot by @beamalsky and @maerunes for @southsideweekly.

...and then we add the second sentence once that link is live?

Methodology & related reporting:

I like it! I'll update the bio now.

Thank you! Just occurred to me... maybe we should add "Tweets daily" or "Tweets daily at 8pm"?

Added this to the bio as well! I had to shorten it a little to make sure we had the characters to add the link later, so now it's:

Which Chicagoans are getting vaccinated? A bot by @beamalsky & @maerunes for @southsideweekly. Tweets daily at 8pm.

We can add "Methodology & reporting:" once that link is live