
ListOrders with pagination turned on throws an error.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey @tyscorp. Thanks a lot for putting this together. Really appreciate it. Not sure if I'm not making the call properly, but I have a setup (to fetch orders) that looks something like so:

  var mws = new MWSClient({
    accessKeyId: ACCESS_KEY_ID,
    secretAccessKey: SECRET_KEY,
    merchantId: this._sellerId,
    authToken: this._authToken,
    host: '',
    meta: {
      retry: true, // retry requests when throttled
      next: true, // auto-paginate
      limit: Infinity // only get this number of items (NOT the same as MaxRequestsPerPage)

      MarketplaceId: marketplaceId,
      MaxResultsPerPage: 5,
      CreatedAfter: createdAfter,
      OrderStatus: ['Unshipped', 'PartiallyShipped']
    .then(function (result, meta) {
    .catch(function (err) {

When I run this an exception gets thrown at line 168 of lib/client.js with message: _.get(...) is not a function. After digging around a bit, I found that the code in question looks like so:

return _.get(this,{ NextToken: nextToken }, nextMeta)
.then(function (nextData) {
    return {
         result: _.concat(result, nextData.result),
         metadata: _.concat(metadata, nextData.metadata)

I found that the this object doesn't have a property matching the value of (which evaluates to be ListOrdersByNextToken), hence the error. ListOrdersByNextToken exists on this.Orders instead.

Thanks for the report!

I published v1.1.4 with a fix.

I can't currently test it, but I think it should work... I'll know for sure tomorrow. (or if you confirm it)

I just pulled the update in and it works now. Thanks man 👍