
How to use multiple detail view controllers?

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I would like to use a view controller for each item in the static view controller (each item in the table). The DemoSlideControllerSubclass uses one detail view controller all all items from the static view controller.

Is it possible to use a view controller for each item in the menu? I'm not sure if that's possible looking at the code. I'd say that the CHSlideController class would need an array of UIViewControllers to handle that? Would you consider updating the demo to show more than one detail controller?

Thank you so much for your time and your efforts in sharing your knowledge and your work.


i have addad demo code where controllers are switched. it is pretty simple, in your subclass just catch the event when the static view selects something. there you then can set a new sliding controller just by calling self.slidingViewController = <YOUR_NEW_CONTROLLER>

Excellent. I tried it out and it works with different view controllers. Thank you so much for your quick reply and your help. Keep up the great work. Vielen Dank.