
problem viewing trailer in window

Closed this issue · 9 comments

hi, I have a problem in viewing the trailers in the window, even if I set view trailer in window it starts me both in the window and as a background practically as if they were 2 trailers and at the bottom I see the other trailer scroll ruining the whole view. i also tried to enlarge the png image of the trailer window to try to hide it but it still remains the same

Could you please provide Screenshots/Photos?

Trailer in window

I also tried to uninstall and reinstall the skin, however it does it with some trailers maybe it's a matter of format

Okay thank you. Please enable "debugging" in skin settings > Arctic: zephyr - Reloaded. Also enable "Show debug information" and "Extended debugging information".

Now please go to library or home and wait for a trailer to auto start. When the trailer is playing, please make a photo/screenshot, so i can see, whats going on with the background.

You should get something like this:


The 1 is what you see double, the 2 is seen in the window,

I also wanted to inform you that in the view (View_51_BigWide) at line 750 I added a Left 100 in my file because the artist name was all shifted to the left and went above the other tabs

Thank you. From the skin side everything seems to be okay. Are you using a plex client or something like that? I'm asking, because a few month ago, a user has the same issues with auto playing trailers and the trailer starts always in fullscreen.

I also wanted to inform you that in the view (View_51_BigWide) at line 750 I added a Left 100 in my file because the artist name was all shifted to the left and went above the other tabs

Could you please provide a screenshot?

No I don't use anything it's all local, my trailers are local too.

as for Big view I am attaching the photos.

with left 100 in line 750
without left 100 in line 750

as for Big view I am attaching the photos.

I could not reproduce the issue with overlapping artist. Tested on coreelec and windows. What version of the skin do you use?

No I don't use anything it's all local, my trailers are local too.

Could you please check the status of the follwing settings?
Skin settings > extras > hidden video window to prevent audio errors
Skin settings > background > show now playing video in background

Solved I set
Skin settings> extras> hidden video window to prevent audio errors
Skin settings> background> now show the video playing in the background
Perfect thanks.
however if you are interested in the banner display I have added the clearlogo it looks more captivating, what can I do I love beautiful things and I am a graphics fanatic. (-:

clearlogo banner view

Glad to hear, that its working now :) The i will close this issue