
Tabs within cells?

darksheik opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a case where I have a comma-delimited file, but one of the fields within is tab-separated.

I'm doing something like this:

full_field = ["12345", "67890"]
|> Enum.join("\t")

Doing an IO.puts in iex will successfully render the tab:

full_field = ["12345", "67890"] |> Enum.join("\t")

IO.puts v()
12345   67890

But in the file it stays as a \t. Is there a trick I can be using to ensure a tab character gets to the file?

Hi there, apologies for the late reply - did you get around to solving this? Not quite sure how it relates to the CSV library, could you expand your question?

Closing this, feel free to reopen if help is still needed.