
2.2 Test Case Error

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Ravishankar Joshi suggested that the results did not account for symmetric edges. It appears that our solution was based on a directed graph, rather than an undirected graph.

Please confirm that the new test cases are correct and I will merge them to master.

I checked out with my solution for undirected graphs, and my answer is matching output files. Now, the test-cases are correct.

Thank you. I have merged the new test cases to master.

Thank you, Stevan. I see.

I think that the solutions are correct if the client program interprets the input as an undirected graph. However, like Stevan0102 said, the test case files do not show edges going in both directions.

This week is a bit busy for me, including the weekend. I'll try my best to correct this as soon as possible. I can however, test any recommended alternatives rather quickly. I will keep you all informed as this progresses.

Thank you for being patient.

I think that I have fixed the problem. Now, all input files have the edges in the adjacency list for both vertices.

Please let me know when you have confirmed the correctness of the test cases.

Thank you.