
Quicksort filename explanation

Closed this issue · 4 comments


File names contain 4 relevant values:

the number of integers
the number of comparisons using the first element of the array as the pivot element
the number of comparisons using the final element of the array as the pivot element
the number of comparisons using the median-of-three of the array as the pivot element

can you please explain what that means for file input_dgrcode_01_5.txt with values:


Hi dey-dey,

The name of the file is: [input|output]_${creator}_${order}_${size}.

In that specific case the creator was me. The order means that it was the first file of the group of files I created. The size is the input size.

That file has input size 5, so its contents for this specific assignment are all positive integers from 1 to 5 in an unsorted order.

I'm not sure if that answers your question. Let me know if it doesn't so I can clarify.

Ah I see! I guess the readme is not correct. Is there any way to include the first/final/median comparison counts as well? It would be helpful for the course.

We have separate inputs and outputs, so the input remains with the same type of contents you would find in the course's input. That way the algorithm someone designed for the course should work with these inputs without any change at all.

To find the expected results for each file, you can open the files with the names output_.... For example, to find the expected results for input_dgrcode_01_5.txt, you can read output_dgrcode_01_5.txt.

If your plan is to test your code, I strongly recommend you use the testers in this repo. They can save you a good amount of time. Have a look here:

I'm sorry about the delay.

I have updated the relevant README to avoid confusion in the future.

Thank you @dey-dey for bringing this to our attention.