Python port of HTML-beautifier - how to approach ?
jkmnt opened this issue · 2 comments
I (mostly) ported the html formatter to python:
It passes the smoke test :-) The missing parts are calls to the embedded js/css formatters and cli.
Any chances of it to be eventually merged ?
If yes, I would like to have need some guidance on cli part (now the js and css beautifiers are separate packages in Python) and running HTML tests.
If no, I'll just finalize and use my own fork.
I added a some typehints to the core to simplify the porting. Maybe merging these is a good first step, since there are no runtime changes.
I guessed the tests are must in any case. It passes all the tests now :)
If the port is relatively close and can continue to be maintained similar to the way the js beautifier is, I'm open to merging.