
blocking doesn't work in

bonbonsiregar opened this issue · 3 comments

It doesn't block the ads in youtube homepage and also the built in ads when loading a video. Also there are cosmetic issues in ads on the sidebar when viewing a video.

currently, no ad blocker is technologically capable of blocking ads in the native YouTube App on mobile devices

What about the Youtube in desktop using browser? my issue is happening in Youtube desktop.

I'm using brave browser with brave shield active, but I see that bebasdns has custom filtering and adblocking feature so I turned off brave shield but the ads are visible instead.


DNS blocking of YouTube ads no longer works, because ads are injected into the stream and appear to originate from YouTube. In other words, if you want to block YouTube ads, it means blocking YouTube itself as well. And since the content received after the DNS request is encrypted by HTTPS, you need something to parse the request content and filter then, which is what browser addons such as ABP/uBlock Origin does at the client level.